Monday, December 29, 2008

No Common Sense (NOCS)

The Ying Yang Twins video clip recently released on the internet show them saying some people don't have common sense.  While I may not agree on some things with the Twins, but I do agree that some people have no common sense or as I call it NOCS which sounds like knocks because just maybe they got too many knocks on the head and it knocked all the common sense out of them.  Why is that? I scratch my head with my manicured nails and ask why.  After a long discussion with many people I still can't figure it out and maybe I don't have common sense to figure it out (yeah right). Some of the reasons I thought were that maybe their mama dropped them on the head when they were small?  Or, maybe some people are using too much of their brain for bigger reasons and left no space for the common sense.  Is it something that people just forgot on a park bench one day?  Like believing some people can leave their head behind if it wasn't screwed on.  Someone please let me know why some people have NOCS and seem to get thru life like Mr. Magoo.  Every time I meet someone with NOCS I watch in amazement with my mouth wide open so that I end up looking like the retard.  But just watching someone with NOCS is even funny and sometimes can make my blood pressure go up.  It makes me almost feel like I have to either not look any more and wish the best for them or I sometimes feel i got to pick their brain and try and find out what the problem is.  It is usually the latter route that I take.  I mean I don't stare at someone with obvious physical or mental problems because it is clear that they do have something wrong with them and they can't help being different.  But when you see someone that looks normal and lives in a normal way and then suddenly you have a conversation with them and you find out that they are stupid in  the most common way, I wonder how they get by.  
I know someone holding a few degrees and studied in two of the top universities in  america and he still can't figure out the woman he calls his girlfriend is a porn star and she really isn't his girlfriend, but he is convinced and you could not tell him any different cuz he will think you are hating on him.  Now how stupid is he? Well this same stupid guy can kick mine and your ass on how to build a financial institute with his eyes shut, yet with his eyes open he can't see the woman only wants his financial support and nothing more.  And he is not getting the pu&&y.  I know you know someone just like that. 

So another person you may know is the one that you can't take just anywhere.  You know, the friend you cannot take to the important dinner parties or events where you need to be on your best behavior.  You may love that person to death but you have to be quiet when it comes to letting them know you are not taking them somewhere because they don't know how to aK.  Yes, them,  the ones that will carry on conversations with anyone on anything.  I saw someone at a party once talking to an obvious gay and the one with NOCS asked the gay guy if he liked to eat pu&&y?  The whole party went silent and as everyone glanced to each other in the room  Mr. NOCS  continued on discussing with the gay one how good it was to eat the pussy of  the woman that is the now girlfriend of the guy who is having the party.  When the guy having the party found out what the conversation was about he was a bit rude and Mr. NOCS talked in the car all the way home how the host was a bit rude and probably because he was jealous.  Hello, anyone home? The girl only let you eat her you know what because she was passed out dude.  And remember she never answered your call after that night except once accidently because you called from a blocked number.  And you are still saying that she wants you and she will never forget that night.  Well I will let you know now that a woman passed out can never remember what she never knew in the first place.

I don't think people are generally stupid.  We all do stupid things sometimes and laugh at ourself or sometimes get embarrassed, but people with no common sense don't know when they do stupid things.  Wow, thank you God for giving me common sense.  I would rather have common sense than all the cents in the world, for what good is the money when you don't know what to do with it.

That's my blog for today.  


Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Calling All Americans!  Obama needs our help.  Yes he does.  
Just because the election is over does not mean you can go back to sleep for another four years.  When Obama moves into the White House he is going to need us Americans to support and help him fulfill his promises.  He cannot do it alone. 
We all need to be aware of the choices and decisions our elected leaders are making, because after all, they are on our behalf.  

Americans just waking up to the economic crisis today are quick to blame our idiot President Bush & Gang.  But it was not all the idiots fault.  We are the real idiots for allowing him to do such things.  HELLO! 
Q:  Who let the thieves in?  
A:  All those Americans who slept.

On September 11, 2001 the world witnessed the most horrific terrorist attack against America.  America went into shock.  The whole world cried for us.  And the Bush Gang went into Gangster mode.  

Afghans and Iraqis are not the only victims of war.  Every American is also a victim of these wars.  Not one drop of American blood should have been lost.  These wars were not  for our security but for the greed of those "Powers that Be", "Warmongers" and our elected "Gangsters".  

The terrorist attacks that hit our country woke up some but many were put back to sleep with a small little pill called revenge!  Yes revenge!  And that revenge was targeted towards Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein.  As long as President Bush & Gang seemed to be going after the bad guys many went back to sleep thinking we were safe because our "Cowboy President" was going to get on his horse and save the day.  

If you did not vote, PLEASE DO NOT COMPLAIN if you lost your car, home, job or family.  
If you voted for Bush, PLEASE DO NOT COMPLAIN, REMEMBER you voted for the asshole.