Saturday, April 25, 2009

Moka Blast Exclusive Interview Pt1

The first impression comes immediate upon meeting this young artist. With his smooth confidence he wears well "Moka Blast" catches ones attention with his swagger best described as a young gentleman with a sweet smile and bad boy eyes . Today's Hip Hop artist usually comes with a past mixed with with several elements of the Hip Hop culture that mould certain kids with just enough je ne sais quoi seperating the men from the boys. That something is what the fans can't get enough of and thus, "a star is born". Queen D predicted early on that Soulja Boy would be as huge as he is today, although she got a lot of flack from the established artists she was promoting in that time she pressed on with supporting Soulja Boy and the rest is history. Queen D now puts her weight and support behind "Moka Blast" stating here for all to read "MOKA BLAST WILL BE A HOUSEHOLD NAME!",
All you haters, watch what you say, Queen D still remembers who hated on SB, you don't want to make another mistake and have to eat your words. Just give the artist a chance and see what he has to offer. Kids, get ready for "Moka Blast". watch the video and find out his user tag and play online with him. Leave your comments. Queen D says...