Sunday, May 17, 2009

Nipsey Hussle Exclusive - Hip HOp Artist with a positive message

As a mother of a nineteen year old, I am constantly searching to find out more about Hip Hop, the culture that seems to have kidnapped my son. Instead of fighting and asking him to pick up his pants, I decided to find out just who my enemy was. I soon found out that it was not Hip Hop that was my enemy in fact the opposite. My real enemy are those who have succeeded in a sneaky coup d'etat on Hip Hop. To all mothers out there who share my situation that is, having a child who seems to be stuck on HIp HOp, I encourage you to join me in this fight. Hip HOp will not go away. It has just begun, but those who have taken control are now controlling our children and their future. We must stand together and give Hip Hop back to our children as it is supposed to be. Hip HOp is a movement that unites the whole world. It is the only culture that has crossed all borders. For more information please email us @

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