Thursday, June 25, 2009

Michael Jackson - You Are Not Alone

My all time favorite song from a true angel, love you forever Michael, you are at peace now, Jesus was killed too. You were truly a chosen one, i would play music video channel all day and my son that was one at the time would stop whatever he was doing and walk over to the television and become mesmerized at the video and try to sing and sway to the music, when I saw that happen a few times I realized it was Michael Jackson videos he always paid attention to, one day I asked him what he was looking at and he told me "Michael Jackson Mommy" I don't even know how he knew it was Michael Jackson, because I certainly had never told him. How did he know his name out of all the videos playing all day on tv, i was in the music business and i had to watch all the time to keep up on my game, Michael jackson i knew was someone truly special.

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