Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Edward Snowden, Hero or Traitor

Edward Snowden, Hero or Traitor?  I think first he is a traitor to the US Government, he was hired to do a job where trust and loyalty is mandatory. Even if sometimes questioning the purpose or ethics of what the job entails, that's what he signed up to do.

HERO? A whistle blower is always going to spark controversy, and that is usually a good thing.  At least the issue is made public and conversation and eyes will be opened.

The govt's argument  is,  he put our National Security at risk by telling the world the NSA collects data from phone records... Oh My GOSH, we and the whole world knows that even the local police here in the US can and been doing that for a very long time.  Remember back in the day before cell phones and internet, they listened in on phone conversations to catch drug dealers and other criminals, and still today. In general, people don't usually discuss sensitive conversations over the phone. Duhh!  So surely with all the updated technology in this world, common sense tells me, the NSA  were also updating their technology for their listening tactics.  At least I hope so. Duhh!  Sometimes I  question "how intelligent is our intelligence" lol.

Well I just love the fact that this guy made it VERY CLEAR, BIG BROTHER collects the data so be careful what u do or say on the telephone, and if you are stupid enough not to get this, then God Bless you simpletons.  Major Tom to Ground Control!

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