Monday, July 21, 2014

Can The Israel and Gaza situation can be eliminated by a click of a mouse?

With all the buzz around the net, you would think The Israeli and Palestinian situation was breaking news.  Actually , it's been going on for years.  Finally, technology has caught up with the issue.   The Palestinian struggle has now gone viral.  Finally, All eyes on Israeli and Palestinian leaders, they now have to answer to the world.  The visuals being posted throughout the internet need some serious explanations.  The Powers that Be can no longer hide behind their own government's policies.  THE POWERS THAT BE MUST NOW ANSWER TO THE WORLD!  Simple as that..

The bible tells me we were created to live as free spirited, loving humans, and that we should be kind to one another and loving, and yet we have somehow managed to separate ourselves by race, government, religion.  Some blame themselves and some even put the blame on the devil  and some even believe the Creator Himself, put us on this Earth  with the destiny to destroy ourselves and our Universe. The fact is, man is destroying mankind and its universe, and now the net may be the most powerful tool and or weapon needed to save the human race.  Its a David and Goliath tale.  The Net Heads Vs Those Powers that BE.

Matthew 4:18-20English Standard Version Anglicised (ESVUK)

Jesus Calls the First Disciples

18 While walking by the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon (who is called Peter) and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen.19 And he said to them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.”20 Immediately they left their nets and followed him.

Matthew 4:28-20

Humans behind their computer screens can be very powerful if they know how to use it.  People around the world are finally clicking, their mouse that is. Social Media, can be a very effective tool in the War Game today, any world leader can be bullied on the net.  Who knew that Twitter, Facebook, blogs and other social media platforms would be as powerful as it has today.   In countries where citizens have no voice.  The World Can Now Click on behalf of the voiceless.

Social Media has reduced the world to the size of a computer screen.  Let us see if the people can overcome big powers with the power of the interNET or May God Be With You.

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