Monday, March 23, 2015

You don't have to Diet to lose weight and stay young.

Why do some women constantly talk about dieting while over time we watch them go up and down in weight like a yoyo?  I  say to those,  "Just do it", and let others talk about how good you look.

While your mouth is talking diet, your mind  is feeling "Stress",  your body may then go into a state of  "Anxiety" and for some, it may even cause shock later when the scale talks truth.  Setting realistic goals based on an unrealistic diet will definitely shock your body and mind further. 

Most people choose diets that they can not stick to for life, so as soon as they reach a comfortable weight loss, they return to their toxic diet and the body finds the pounds you justlost.
Most importantly, surround yourself with people who will talk you up and not down you words filled with envy or hate.

If processed food is part of your diet, then I can assume your body is full of toxins.  Want to lose weight?  Simple, start reducing your intake of processed food and  your "body and mind" will perform better.  When your body and mind perform better, you lose weight, simple as that.


You don't have to diet to lose weight, you just have to eat right. Juicing is not eating right either, it is not practical,  our bodies are not built to last on juice alone.  It is simple,  you just need to eliminate processed food from your diet.  Eat real food and your body and mind will work at its best.  I dont use fancy chemicals on my skin nor do i eat fast food or processed unless I'm having a junk day eat-a-thon.  we are entitled to those days, so don't feel guilty, next day wake up and go back to eating right and your body will rid the toxins naturally.  we can never get rid of body our toxins completely but being "conscience" of what we put past our lips will keep you in check.  #ThinkThinAndYouWillBeThin

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